January 2023
President's Corner:
Happy new year, Members! Hoping you are all enjoying the start of a happy and prosperous 2023!
As we approach our businesses and careers, it is important to remember to also practice self-care. The phrase “physician, heal thyself” takes on a stronger meaning when you look at the challenges to our own health, both mental and physical. Our profession is one of the most stressful ones around, and physicians are keenly at risk for burnout with sequellae including depression, anxiety, insomnia, suicide, and stress related diseases like migraines, heart attacks and strokes.
How do we care for ourselves when so much of our time is focused on caring for others? Do you see your PCP regularly? Have you even established with a PCP? Are you up to date on your labs and cancer screenings? These are questions we each should remember to ask ourselves.
Along with taking care of the physical, nurture your mental and spiritual health, too. Consider starting a new hobby, plan a trip, get a massage, take time to read, to exercise, to pray, to meditate, or to do those things that remind you that life is for living, not for always working.
Prioritizing your own well-being allows you to continue to give to others at the highest level. Your health and well-being matters, too!
Aloha and Mabuhay!
--Lyla Cachola Prather, MD
Congratulations, Governor Josh Green!
It is exciting to have a leader in office who understands a physician’s point of view. The PMAH board and legislative chair, Dr. Jerald Garcia are looking forward to working with Governor Green’s administration to bolster continued support for physicians in Hawaii.
Dr Jerry Garcia and wife Christina congratulates Governor Green on his win.
PMAH in Action!
Congratulations to Ohana Medical Missions on their recently completed Mission to Payatas and Bagong Silang. Strong work team!
Siloam Christian Academy at Payatas, Quezon City - January 13, 2023
Total cases seen: 875 (Medical: 625, Pediatric: 250, Surgery: 46, Optical: 635)
Dr. Ian Guerrero, Hawaii based physician
Dr. Amelia Jacang, Hawaii based physician
San Damian Center at Bagong Silang, Caloocan City - January 14, 2023
Total cases: 1350 (Medical: 952, Pediatric: 398, Surgery: 41, Optical: 877)
Dr. Ralph Curiano, Philippine based physician
Dr. Elizabeth Abinsay, Hawaii based physician
Left: Ms. Armie Dela Cruz, Nurse, Hawaii based
Right: Ms. Hermie Gaspar, OMM secretary and retired Surgical Nurse, Hawaii based
Patient waiting to be seen at Bagong Silang
Upcoming Events
Ohana Medical Mission’s First Charity Ball – After the Loving
Hilton Hawaiian Village
Saturday Feb 18, 2023, 5pm – 10 pm.
Tickets on sale now: Contact Dory at 808-382-5564 or OMM at 808-518-8929
Contact JP Orias for more information: jporias808@aol.com
Memorial Weekend CME - Primary Care Updates
Four Seasons Resort at Ko'Olina
May 27-28, 2023
COVID Vaccine Information
COVID Vaccine Access
PMAH is a proud partner of the FilCom CARES project to provide COVID-19 resources our Filipino Communities.
To subscribe to the FilCom CARES newsletter, click HERE
Follow FilCom CARES on Facebook and Instagram for updates
Interested in becoming a member?
Benefits of PMAH Membership
As a member of the PMAH you will be able to:
1. Engage Filipino healthcare leaders in advancing the health and well-being of communities in Hawaii and abroad.
2. Be allowed to participate in a number of unparalleled networking opportunities to connect with your peers, mentors, and other medical leaders in Hawaii.
3. Attend conventions, seminars, dinners and other related events with like-minded professionals in the field
4. Keep up with the newest developments through our CME Courses and other educational opportunities
5. Become involved with Ohana Medical Missions, providing healthcare and health education to indigent patients in the Philippines, Hawaii, and other countries
Want to be more involved in PMAH?
We welcome and encourage PMAH membership engagement!!
If you have a special interest, please ask us!
We also are always looking for potential new board members.
New ideas, suggestions, concerns, and comments welcome!
Please reach out to us!
Join the PMAH Legislative Committee!
Do you want to know more about what bills are being introduced that potentially affect healthcare in Hawaii?
Are you passionate about advocacy and effecting change in Hawaii's healthcare landscape?
Email PMAHinfo@gmail.com and let us know you're interested, and will pass it along to committee chair, Dr. Jerald Garcia.
DONATE to PMAH and our Affiliates
Due to the pandemic, our usual conferences and other fundraising events for the year were cancelled/postponed/adjusted. Therefore at this time, we rely on donations to fund our projects and operational costs.
Your donations are greatly appreciated !
All affiliates are non-profit charitable organizations 501(c)(3).
*When making a donation, please specify in comments preferred use ie general fund, mentorship, etc.
We'd love to learn about announcements / education / opportunities / events
Please email pmahinfo@gmail.com